Talking to adults
Every once in a while you might need to talk to an adult about things that are bothering you. There are no right or wrong things to feel and we all feel different things at different times. But if things are getting on top of you, the best thing you can do is find someone who will listen and help you work out what to do next.
Dealing with Stigma at school
If you feel that you are being discriminated against or stigmatised in school then it's important you find someone to talk to like a guidance teacher or any other teacher that you trust.
Maybe you're worried about a friend and have noticed that their mood has changed. In that case if you're comfortable then ask them if they are okay, or speak to an adult about what is best to do.
Who to talk to?
Here's some tips and hints about the kind of person that is good to talk to. You might not find the right person to talk to straight away so keep trying until you find someone you feel comfortable to open up to.
What to say
Starting a conversation about mental health problems with teachers or other adults can be hard. Here’s a few suggestions:
- I've been struggling lately with getting up and getting to class, can we talk about that?
- I feel like I'm being bullied and have no real friends to turn to. I don't know what to do about it. Can I speak to you about it?
- I'm feeling extremely conscious about my weight and I'd like to talk to you about that. Can I come and see you at a time that suits?
- Thinking about exams is making me sick and my heart race, I want to do well but I'm worried about how these exams are affecting me. Can you help me cope?
- I'm really worried about Stacey. Recently, I've noticed that she's quite moody, looks like she's been crying a lot of the time and doesn't want to join in with the crowd at lunchtime. I want to help her but don't know how. Can you give me some ideas how best to talk to her?
Be there for your friends
If you are worried about a friend there are some simple things you can do
- Ask if they are okay
- Be there to listen
- Don't worry if you don't always know the right thing to say
- It's good to talk and share. It's better to say something than nothing at all
- Spend more doing the things you both like together if you can
Get Help
If you think you might need help for your mental health, we have information here.
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