
See Me works across a number of areas creating and promoting policy that combats mental health stigma and discrimination. 


We work across a number of areas to influence policy that takes account of human rights, promotes mental health inclusion and combats mental health stigma and discrimination. We partner with key public bodies and organisations in the third and private sectors to help them create inclusive policies, free from mental health stigma and discrimination. We produce good practice guidance, reports, consultation responses, think-pieces, position papers, communications and carry out research with our See Me Champions and Youth Champions. Lived experience influences all that we do. 

Understanding Policy and Mental Health 

The policy areas we focus on are those that relate to parts of the system where people experience mental health stigma and discrimination most frequently. From the evidence base and from speaking to people who have experienced mental health stigma and discrimination, we know that these areas include human rights inequalities, legislation (including mental health), education, health and social care, family and communities and workplaces. 

Working to Create Change

Part of our national remit is to challenge the stigma and discrimination that exists at the most strategic level. We engage with people with experience of mental health stigma and discrimination to influence policy and legislation developments and bring about change in policy and practice, improving the lives of people in Scotland.

Text: End mental health stigma

We’re working to create change in five main policy areas:

  • Rights and mental health legislation.
  • Education and young people’s services.
  • Access to support and benefits.
  • Quality of healthcare and social care. 
  • Employment.

You can read more about our work in these areas below.

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Join See Us

Anyone can be part of the movement and help to tackle stigma and discrimination. You can do as little or as much as you're able to and it all makes a difference.

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