Press Centre

Find our latest press releases, contact details and information for journalists.

Information for Journalists

Our Press area has all the contacts, press releases, information and guides that journalists need for reporting on mental health stigma and discrimination.

We also have a group of individuals with first-hand experience of mental health problems who are happy to speak out about their experience and the stigma and discrimination they have faced, contact us to get a case study for your story.

Download a copy of the current NUJ guidelines which detail best practice when reporting on mental health.

For quick access to the key points in the guidelines we've created this short video to assist you in reporting on mental health, suicide, self harm and eating disorders.

For guidelines specifically covering the reporting of suicide, check out these guidelines from Samaritans .

For all media enquiries contact:

Lindsay Cochrane

Senior Communications Officer

07817 810 802

If Lindsay is unavailable contact:

Nick Jedrzejewski

Communications and Public Affairs Manager

0141 530 1049


Top Tips on Speaking About Mental Health

Speaking About Mental Health

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