
Keeping your information safe and secure

See Me’s Privacy Policy

See Me is committed to protecting your personal information; so when you contact us (for whatever reason) we want you to be confident about how your personal information will be looked after and used.

The purpose of this policy is to let you know how we will process information we collect from you/about you or that you provide to us.

The Privacy Policy explains:

  1. About See Me
  2. What information we collect and why
  3. How we will collect, use, and keep your information safe
  4. Who do we share your information with
  5. Your rights
  6. Changes to this Privacy Policy
  7. How to contact us
  8. Notes 
  9. Appendix - Cookie Policy


  1. About See Me

See Me is Scotland's Programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.  We are funded by Scottish Government and Comic Relief and managed by the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) and The Mental Health Foundation (MHF). Our vision is to end mental health stigma and discrimination, enabling people who experience mental health problems to live fulfilled lives.

See Me is a programme arm of SAMH and therefore comes under SAMH’s charity registration. 

SAMH is a registered charity SC008897 and a company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No 82340. SAMH is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) for the UK.


  1. What information we collect and why?

The personal information we collect, and how we use it, will depend on your engagement with us but it may include details about your name, date of birth and contact details (e.g. telephone, email, computer IP address and home address). We require this information in order to respond to your enquiry; if you are enrolled in one of our programmes; if you are a volunteer with us; if we are providing you with information; if we are contacting you about our latest news, events, campaigns or research; or if we are entering into a contract with you.

If it is appropriate we may:

  • Collect details about your mental/physical health and wellbeing, if you are sharing your personal experience or taking part in an online survey; attending a See Me event or if you are engaging as a volunteer.
  • Ask you why you have chosen to donate to See Me – but this question will not be mandatory and you should only answer if you want to tell us.
  • Require further detailed information from you if we are providing you with a new or customised programme, which would be outlined in a specific agreement.

We gather general information about the use of our websites – this might include which pages are the most visited; events. Wherever possible this information will be anonymised and will not identify details about individuals visiting our website.


  1. How we will collect and use that information

3.1 How we will collect the information

We will collect information in the following ways:

Directly from you when you:

    • Submit a  request through our website ‘Contact Us’ form
    • Enquire about our activities
    • Enrol in a See Me programme
    • Sign up to See Me events
    • Submit an application to volunteer for See Me
    • Register with us or Subscribe to our online mailing and email alerts
    • Visit our website
    • Engage with us via social media
    • Make a complaint



    • Via independent event organisers; if you have indicated that you wish to support See Me and you have given your consent for information to be shared.
    • If you choose to fundraise for See Me (which is done via SAMH) your details will be shared with us.
    • When you have given permission to other organisations to share your information.
    • Via one of our partnerships, for example SAMH or the Mental Health Foundation.
    • Information publicly available.
    • Cookies: are very small files that are stored on your computer (phone or tablet) when you visit most websites. We use cookies to collect information about how our visitors use our website and to make it better/easier to use. You can choose not to accept cookies but this could make our website difficult to navigate. There are more details in the appendix Cookie Policy.


3.2 How we will use that information

We may use your information to:

  • Provide you with the service, product, advice or information you have asked for.
  • Fulfil a contract.
  • Understand how we can improve our programmes, products, information.
  • Provide you with information about our programme plans; which may include information about news, events, campaigns and research if you have given consent.
  • Keep a record of your relationship with us; keep your information up-to-date and accurate and to ensure we comply with your communication preferences.
  • Administer your donation through our managing partner SAMH or support your fundraising activities.
  • Help us to ensure that our communications to you are relevant.
  • Undertake analysis and statistical reporting. Where we undertake this activity the data is usually anonymised unless we have advised and confirmed this with you in advance.
  • Segment our databases (for example, by geographical or demographical information) to help us to target our resources more effectively and to provide an improved experience to people who choose to support us.


3.3 Learning more about current and prospective supporters

Occasionally we will undertake profiling activity to learn more about our current supporters and to identify prospective supporters. When we do this we identify the interests of people and organisations and the potential for them to engage with See Me. We do this because the information helps us to better understand our supporters and to engage with people who may be interested in helping us to further the aims and objectives of See Me.

When we undertake this type of profiling we will use: information you have already given us; or that is publicly available. In particular circumstances we may engage the services of a third party to undertake this activity on our behalf.


3.4 How we will keep your information safe

We ensure that there are appropriate technical, physical and organisational measures in place to protect your personal information both online and offline.

Information that we hold on you will be stored securely and only be kept as long as is reasonable and necessary, and in line with any statutory obligations placed on See Me.  The length of time we keep your information will depend on the reason why we have been or are processing your information.

In cases where we may need to transfer or process your personal information outside the European Union we will comply fully with our legal obligation.  For example See Me’s supporter database is hosted by Salesforce (a global company with its headquarters in the USA).  The service Salesforce provides is strictly regulated and in accordance with data protection legislation.


  1. Who do we share your information with?
  • See Me may share your information with our partners, for example managing partners and funders. Generally information will be anonymised before sharing. Where we do this we will communicate this in advance.
  • Where we engage a third party to deliver a service on our behalf (for example a fulfilment house, Dotmailer or Survey Monkey), only required data will be shared. This will be in line with data protection legislation and covered by a data sharing agreement. This means that they cannot do anything with your personal information unless we have instructed them to do it. They will hold your information securely and retain it for the period we instruct.
  • See Me may be required to share information in specific cases where we are providing a direct service/contract
  • Where you have chosen to share your story to help further our work and you have given your explicit consent we may share sensitive information in materials promoting our campaigning, services or fundraising work or in specific documents.
  • See Me will comply and co-operate with regulatory authorities when we are legally required to do so – in such cases personal information would be passed on in accordance with the data protection legislation.
  • Where there is a perceived threat to life due to suicidal intent or serious concern regarding a child or vulnerable adult, See Me may be required, in line with its duty of care, to report these concerns to the police or social work.
  • In circumstances other than those noted above, See Me will not share your information with any other organisation for marketing, market research, fundraising or commercial purposes.

In particular See Me will not:

  • Pass your details to other websites.
  • Sell-on any information about you.


  1. Your rights

You have a right to:

  • Request to see the personal information we hold about you*.
  • Request that inaccurate information about you be corrected.
  • Change your ‘opt-in’ preferences which can be done by clicking unsubscribe on any email update from See Me.
  • Unsubscribe from email communications - if you no longer wish to receive email communications from us. You can do this by clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of our email communication.
  • Withdraw your consent for See Me to hold your personal data. You can do this through the ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom of our email communications or by emailing  
  • Request that See Me does not undertake ‘Profiling’ of your information.

* Please note that we may require proof of identity before we provide you with this information or make changes.

Please see the section below on contacting See Me and SAMH.


  1. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We will keep our Privacy Policy under regular review to ensure that it accurately reflects how we process your information.  Any changes will be incorporated into this document and if the changes are significant we will provide a more prominent notice. 

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 18/05/2018


  1. How to contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or any other Data Protection queries; would like to make a request to receive a copy of your personal information held by See Me or to change your ‘opt-in’ preferences, please contact:  

Or you can write to us at:

Database Officer
See Me
Brunswick House
51 Wilson Street

Or you can contact SAMH as the data controller at:

As a programme, See Me is unable to fundraise however, SAMH can support you with your fundraising and they can restrict any money raised by you to the work of See Me. Therefore if you are a donor/supporter please contact: or mark your correspondence for the Fundraising Team.


  1. Notes
  • Our website may contain links to other websites. Please note that these other websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy.
  • Our managing partners SAMH and the Mental Health Foundation are not covered by this Privacy Policy, a copy of these can be found on their websites. 


  1. Appendix - Cookie Policy

Cookies are very small files that are stored on your computer when you visit most websites. They are sent back and forth between the website’s server and your internet browser to allow the website to remember actions you’ve made.

We use cookies and other local storage means to help improve the performance of this website by measuring web traffic and tracking user journeys. We also use a security cookie to identify our website’s developers. Most of these only contain randomly generated numbers, and cookies cannot carry viruses or install malware on your computer.


Cookies set by this website:

  • Google Analytics

Purpose: These cookies collect information about how our visitors use this site. This data is collected anonymously, and is used to help improve this website’s functionality. For more information, see Google Analytic’s page on safeguarding your data.

Retention: We will hold this data for a period of 38 months to align with our reporting periods to funders.


Managing cookies

Most internet browsers allow users to control the acceptance of cookies via the browser’s settings. Visit the links below to find out how to configure these settings on your browser. If you do disable cookies you may find that your use of the site is impaired.

How to disable cookies in Internet Explorer

How to disable cookies in Mozilla Firefox

How to disable cookies in Chrome

How to disable cookies in Safari


You can opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites by installing Google’s opt-out browser add-on. However you should be aware that by opting-out it could make our website difficult to navigate.