Our Vision

Our vision is for a fair and inclusive Scotland, free from mental health stigma and discrimination.

About See Me

See Me is Scotland's Programme to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination.  We are funded by Scottish Government and managed by SAMH and The Mental Health Foundation. 

We’re working towards achievement of The Scottish Government’s commitment to create:

A Scotland where people can get the right help at the right time, expect recovery, and fully enjoy their rights, free from stigma and discrimination.

Tackling stigma and discrimination and addressing the barriers they create must be central to any action to improve mental health. Doing so creates the best conditions for mental wellbeing, preventative action and early intervention, for personalised support, care and treatment and for recovery.

Find out more here about our strategy, vision, mission and values, our team, ambassador, and the See Us movement.

20 years of See Me

The See Me team celebrating the 20th anniversaryIn 2022, See Me celebrated its 20th anniversary, marking 20 years of the movement to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in Scotland. 

Over the last two decades, we’ve worked with partners, supporters and volunteers across the country to make real progress in the fight against stigma and discrimination – with 96 per cent of Scots saying today that they’d be willing to help someone who is struggling with their mental health. 

Read more about some of our achievements

With Fairness in Mind

With Fairness in Mind is our strategy for the next five years, up until 2026.

In that time we will:

  • Achieve change at scale to tackle the deep rooted stigma and discrimination that directly affects people who experience mental health problems in Scotland today
  • Make Scotland a global leader in anti- stigma activity
  • Increase learning through gathering, applying and testing the evidence of what works to change attitudes, behaviours and cultures to end mental health stigma and discrimination.

Our vision is for a fair and inclusive Scotland, free from mental health stigma and discrimination.

For the duration of this strategy we will work to the following outcomes:

  • People in the populations we target feel confident to talk openly about their mental health and their experience of stigma and discrimination
  • People in the populations we target feel confident to have supportive conversations with other people who are experiencing poor mental health
  • People with experience of mental health problems feel more confident to challenge mental health stigma and discrimination
  • People in the settings we work in recognise mental health stigma and discrimination, know how to challenge and take action against it
  • Leaders in key settings and organisations create inclusive cultures and take action to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination
  • National and local policy and decision makers resource, design and implement policies, systems and services that explicitly reduce mental health stigma and address discrimination

Our Focus for the strategy

Communications, policy and public affairs- We work alongside national and local campaigns and programmes to add specific experience and focus on mental health stigma and discrimination.

Communities and priority groups- We prioritise engagement of people at greatest risk of experiencing mental health stigma and discrimination including young people aged 16 – 24, vulnerable adults and people who experience severe mental illness.

Priority settings- We prioritise the settings where people experience greater levels of stigma and discrimination: education, health and social care, workplaces, employment and employability sectors.

Read the Full Strategy Here

Watch the launch of With Fairness in Mind

We were delighted to be joined by the Mental Wellbeing and Social Care Minister Kevin Stewart and our amazing volunteers to launch With Fairness in Mind.

Watch the launch here .


This is the purpose that See Me works towards, it serves as the standard against which we measure our actions and decisions.

  • hand and flag

    Guided and supported by people with lived experience, we challenge mental health stigma and discrimination.  

  • shaking hands

    We influence change in behaviours, cultures and systems so that people with experience of mental health problems are respected, valued and empowered to achieve the outcomes important to them.

  • Human rights

    We will ensure that the human rights of people with mental health problems are respected and upheld.


  • three people

    Respect: We treat our team, volunteers and the people we work with, with dignity and respect the contribution they make

  • Integrity

    Integrity: We are authentic, reliable, credible and evidence informed

  • speech bubbles

    Collaboration: We develop trusting relationships through understanding and responding to the needs of our stakeholders

  • speech bubbles

    Excellence: We are experienced and committed to reflection, learning and continuous improvement

Join See Us

Join See Us

Anyone can help tackle stigma and discrimination. You can do as little or as much as you're able to and every action makes a difference.

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