Making a Difference
How We Are Making a Difference
See Me will challenge negative behaviour towards those who experience mental health problems and support and encourage others to take action. Our vision is to make sure that anyone who has struggled with their mental health has the same opportunities as others to lead a fulfilled life. We will help everyone understand the impact of their actions and behaviour by making sure that the voices of people with lived experience are always at the heart of our work.
We have an ambitious programme to deliver - in workplaces, education, health and social care and communities by supporting the growth of a social movement and influence and working with others to take the actions required to make the change we need to see.
Fundamentally, change is what See Me is all about. We will challenge stigma and discrimination at its roots - wherever people experience it - at work, through health and social care, in education, at home or in local communities.
We are passionate about:
- Bringing an end to the discrimination that sees people with mental health problems facing worse health outcomes than their healthier counterparts.
- Ensuring that workers have more positive experiences when they tell their employer they’ve experienced mental health difficulties.
- Making sure that young people learn about the importance of their mental health and well-being and are confident to ask for help if they need it.
- Ending the situation where people's rights are eroded and undermined by poor attitudes and limited understanding through ignorance or fear.
The programme is being monitored closely and we will share results widely to learn from experience.
Evaluation Reports
See where See Me has been working over the last couple of years.
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