Leading the Way with See Me

How we worked with four major employers, and their 8000 employees to find out the best ways to tackle mental health discrimination at work.

Scotrail, Burness Paull LLP, Apex Hotels and Babcock signed up to the Workplace Equality Project with See Me, to embed a more inclusive, stigma free working environment focused on mental health.

The companies completed a needs assessment, which included an organisational profile, staff survey and interviews which highlighted issues around:

  • The disclosure environment.
  • Managerial behaviours.
  • Organisational process challenges.
  • Cultural barriers.
  • Self-stigma.

See Me then supported the companies to develop improvement plans based on the findings from the needs assessment. Activities included:

  • Mental Health First Aid training.
  • Better communication of support resources.
  • Creation and implementation of mental health policies.
  • Development of information apps.
  • Creation of support resources.
  • Reviewing return to work processes.
  • Staff testimony videos.
  • Well-being spaces.

We also worked with the organisations to create a light and accessible tool to improve the quality of mental health conversations between managers and staff called Let’s Chat. You can get the Let's Chat tool, along with our other toolkits in the resource section of our website.

The companies have all committed to maintain and build on the early success of their improvement work over to continue moving towards creating workplaces free from stigma and discrimination.

Activity at your Work

Start making a difference at your work by using See Me's campaign's like Power of Okay, or Time to Talk, or by taking part in an activity to get people talking about mental health, like Pass the Badge or Walk a Mile.

Campaigns and Activities