Tools and Packs

Download the resources you need here. We currently have our Let's Chat resource, along with our employers workplace Self Assessment Tool.

Lets Chat is designed to start open and honest conversations about mental health. Our Self Assessment Tool is designed to give you everything you need to start making changs in your workplace.

Let's Chat

“Let’s Chat” is a practical tool with guidance, tips and scenarios for line managers and supervisors to start open and honest conversations about mental health in the workplace, without fear of stigma and discrimination.

It was developed with support from employers and people who have experienced mental health stigma and discrimination in the workplace.

This tool was created in response to a need by employees of four private sector employers (ScotRail, Burness Paull LLP, Apex Hotels Ltd. and Babcock Rail) who were involved in the Workplace Equality Project pilot.

Click on the image to get yours.


Self Assessment Tool

The Self Assessment Tool is used by organisations as they go through the See Me in Work process, but it can be used by other organisations that want to take steps to tackle stigma and discrimination on their own.

It is also a helpful tool for workplaces considering undertaking the See Me in Work programme, to establish where their workplace is at, before going through the programme.

In this tool employers can self-assess existing organisational policies and practices against seven building blocks for creating a workplace environment inclusive of mental health, free from stigma and discrimination:
1. Senior leadership commitment and engagement
2. Conditions for safe, effective and pertinent disclosure
3. Mental health awareness and literacy
4. Effective mental health training approaches
5. Confident and informed line management
6. Effective implementation of reasonable adjustments
7. Stigma-free organisational culture and ethos.

Click on the image to get yours

Want More?

Check out our community tools and packs, with exercises you could use at your work