Resources and E-Learning

We've got lots of great resources for you to use and take into your work, including our campaigns, workplace activities, downloadable resources and our more in-depth workplace packs which can help you to make on-going sustained change in your organisation, including our e-learning.

In this section we have a number of resources that you can download and use.

Our campaigns and activities are a great place for you to start making a difference in your workplace, with fun and easy to use ways of getting people talking about mental health.

Our E-Learning can help you as an individual understand more about how stigma and discrimination impacts on workplaces, and what rights are in place to protect people.

Lets Chat Tool and our workplace Self Assessment Tool can also be downloaded and used to support your workplace in making on-going sustained differences to your workplace linking in with our See Me in Work programme.

See Me in Work

Make an on-going and sustained change at your work, by joining the See Me in Work Programme

See Me in Work

Join See Us

Join See Us

Anyone can be part of the movement and help to tackle stigma and discrimination. You can do as little or as much as you're able to and it all makes a difference.

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