See Me in Work

See Me in Work supports employers and individuals to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in your workplace, whether you’re looking to start small or make longer-lasting change.

See Me in Work is See Me’s offer of support to employers, made up of different stages to help you take action on a small scale or make more sustained change for your organisation.

It offers a range of approaches, tools and resources to help employees and employers tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in a way that works for you and your organisations, following what works according to the evidence base.

Through See Me in Work, employers can:

  • access advice, tools and support to improve the working lives of employees experiencing mental health problems;
  • encourage an equal and fair recruitment process for those seeking employment;
  • support people to stay in work, wherever possible, and ensuring those returning to work following mental ill-health are fully supported back into the workplace.

Organisations and individuals can engage with See Me in Work in various ways, from choosing to make small changes to reviewing their whole approach to creating stigma-free, mentally healthy workplaces.

The stages of See Me in Work

Below, we've got more information on the three stages of See Me in Work.

  • Tools and resources from the See Us movement for individuals looking to take action to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination in their workplace
  • The Starter Pack for organisations looking to take action against stigma, but aren't in a place to commit to the ongoing change of the digital portal
  • The See Me in Work Portal for organisations looking to sign up to the continous improvement process

The See Us movement

The See Us movement brings together people from all over Scotland to join forces and tackle mental health stigma and discrimination together.

If you want to take action against mental health stigma in your place of work but want to start small, the workplace section of the See Us website is home to lots of useful tools and resources you can access to be part of the change.

The See Us movement

Text on a Post-It note reads: "When you support your employees, they'll support you"

The Starter Pack

If you're ready to do something on a larger scale in your workplace, our Starter Pack is for you.

The See Me in Work Starter Pack is a suite of resources for employers and individuals to take action to tackle mental health stigma and discrimination and start to create a workplace inclusive of mental health.

The Starter Pack is for any organisation that is ready to take action but feels the See Me in Work Portal is not right for them, or doesn't have senior leadership buy-in to engage.

Starter Pack

Text on Post-It note reads: "It's okay to not fully understand, but you can still make a difference"

The See Me in Work Portal

If you're ready to take a whole organisational approach to tackling mental health inclusion in your place of work, you can sign up to the See Me in Work Portal.

To make it easier for workplaces we have created a digital portal which can take you through a self assessment of your organisation, get the views of employees, create an improvement plan, and make real sustained changes.

The four stage programme helps employers to improve cultures, policies and practices relating to mental health.

The See Me in Work portal can help employers save money, enhance their reputation and improve the working lives of every one of their employees.

Find out more about how the portal works in the video below, and sign up using the button.

Discover the portal


Text on Post-It note: "When individuals in your team are head and supported, the team succeeds together"

The See Me in Work Portal

Worplace resources

Read more about our workplace tools and resources.
