Mental Health Policies
A growing number of employers are creating formal mental health policies which commit the organisation to promote fairness, equality and diversity in its recruitment and work practices.
An effective mental health policy:
- has visible support from senior management
- locates the policy within equalities legislation and the duty of care employers have
- is developed in consultation with key members of staff, through discussions or workshops with staff and through existing procedures
- specifically addresses recruitment to ensure that potential employees are encouraged to apply and have an equal opportunity to be successful
- clearly defines mental health and mental health problems and their prevalence as well as providing some indicators of early symptoms
- provides a clear understanding of the role and responsibilities of line managers and supervisors, including practical steps to encourage the disclosure of mental health problems in a sympathetic, empathetic and non-judgemental manner
- encourages retention and support of employees experiencing mental health problems
- clarifies the role and responsibility of the human resources team in supporting line managers in their role, providing a point of contact for employees with mental health problems and easy access to internal and external sources of support
- clarifies the roles and responsibilities of employees, in allowing them to take basic steps to assist themselves, friends and colleagues and behave in a generally supportive manner;
- includes a commitment to promote awareness and understanding of the Policy, using internal websites or other communication methods such as newsletters
- supports all parts of the workforce to understand and implement the Policy
- provides a list of local and national sources of support and advice
- includes a designated contact for further information about the Policy
- is reviewed on a regular basis
Reasonable Adjustments
What kind of reasonable adjustments can be made?