Care Opinion
We've been working with Care Opinion to help promote the good practice happening throughout Scotland, while also shining a light on the stigma and discrimination people are still experiencing.
Through Care Opinion anyone can highlight and challenge the stigma they have experienced through sharing their stories. Care Opinion then can pass them on to the people who can make a difference and publish them on their website so people can see they aren't alone in their experiences.
It can also be used to highlight the great experiences people have had when receiving help and support in for their mental health in health and social care services.
On the Care Opinion website, health and social care professionals also get to respond to the stories that people have shared, and learn from what has gone on before.
Over 500 organisations have signed up to use Care Opinion to listen to what patients, service users and carers are saying so that they can make improvements to service access and provision. They work with health and care providers, commissioners, health boards, regulators, professional bodies, educators, researchers and patient groups.
We have partnered with them to highlight people's experience when getting help for their mental health.
We have pulled together 10 case studies from the Care Opinion site, featuring a range of positive and negative experiences, along with the responses from health care professionals.