Health and Social Care Video Library
We have a range of videos with those who work in health and social care, and those who access health and social care, on the best practice for supporting people's mental health without stigma and discrimination.
On this page we have videos with those who work in health and social care, speaking about their experiences of giving stigma free mental health support. They have tips, practices and methods which they have used, which can help you.
On the next page we have the perspectives of those who have used health and social care services for their mental health.
Thank you to the doctors, nurses, support workers, pharmacists, physiotherapists and other health and social care professionals who helped us to shape and create these videos.
The Time Factor
This video covers the importance of giving people time, not making them feel rushed, and making the most of any opportunity to support.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
Building Confidence
Find out why having confidence in speaking about mental health and asking questions is so important for health and social care staff.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
Not the Diagnosis
This video looks at why it is important to treat the person, and not their diagnosis, and the impact if you do.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
All Our Jobs
Why care and compassion are important in every intervention.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
Talking About Yourself
This video looks at how health and social care staff feel about disclosing their mental health problems, and what the impact of that can be.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
See The Whole Person
Why it's important to treat mental health and physical health equally, and not let a diagnosis of a mental health problem change your view of someone.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
Consistency Is Key
How consistency in approach can help to remove discrimination across the whole system.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
Here For You
Listening to those who are struggling, showing you care and taking on board what they're saying, is key.
If you can't access Youtube or want to download the video you can here.
Tips from those who use health and social care
Hear from people who have accessed health and social care services, and what has helped them in their recovery, and what has set them back
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Information for People Working in Health and Social Care